Upcoming Events


Nutrition Education Session February 22, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Harriott Myers will present a wellness education session centered around helping you understand the benefits of plant-based whole foods, functional nutrition, and the impact they have on your health.

Atomic Habits Book Club. February 24, 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Start reading the book on February 1st and let’s dive into the world of Atomic Habits together and discuss how to build better habits that improve our level of fitness!


Smart Swap Nutrition Class – Free In-Person Class + Exclusive Video Access March 1st at 10 am
Want to eat better without giving up the foods you love? Join my free Smart Swap Nutrition Class at and learn how to make simple swaps that fit your macros, support your goals, and still taste amazing!

πŸ“Œ What You’ll Learn:
– How to modify recipes to fit your macros **without sacrificing flavor**.
– A **Q&A session** to answer all your nutrition & fitness questions!

πŸ“Œ BONUS for Participants & Waitlist Members:
– All in-person attendees & waitlist members will receive a link to the recipe demonstrated in class.
– Waitlist members will also receive a free video recording of the class so you can watch anytime in the next week!

Attending in person? **Get $10 off your first nutrition coaching session!**

πŸ“Œ **IMPORTANT: Registration Requirements**
– Please include your email in the registration form** so you don’t waste time filling out forms in class.
– You only need to fill out these forms once** if you plan to attend future classes!
– By registering, you consent to be added to the mailing list for class updates and exclusive fitness & nutrition tips.

πŸ“Œ Connect with Me!
πŸ“· Instagram: @train.with.emily.y
πŸ“˜ Facebook: Train with Emily
πŸ“§ Email: trainwithemilyy@gmail.com
🌍 Website: https://trainwithemily.issacertifiedtrainer.com/

HIIT Training Class – Boost Your Fitness & Build Strength! March 8th at 10am and 11am
Ready to push your limits and take your workouts to the next level? Join my HIIT Training Class at American Fitness Express and experience high-intensity interval training that burns calories builds endurance, and maximizes strength – all in just 45 minutes!

πŸ“Œ What You’ll Get:* – Heart-pumping, fat-burning circuits designed to build strength and stamina.
– Expert coaching to ensure proper form and technique for maximum results.
– A full-body, high-energy workout that leaves you feeling strong and accomplished.

πŸ“Œ BONUS for Participants & Waitlist Members.
– $10 off on your first purchase of personal training, nutrition, HIIT library, and Smart Swap library.
– People on the waiting list will receive a link to a follow-along HIIT workout video that will be available for a week.

πŸ“Œ IMPORTANT: Registration Requirements
– Please include your email in the registration form to receive registration forms so you don’t waste time filling out forms in class.
– You only need to fill out these forms once if you plan to attend future classes!

πŸ“Œ Connect with Me!
πŸ“· Instagram: @train.with.emily.y
πŸ“˜ Facebook: Train with Emily
πŸ“§ Email: trainwithemilyy@gmail.com
🌍 Website: https://trainwithemily.issacertifiedtrainer.com/

Free 30-Minute Arm/Back Toning Class March 8 at 10:30 a.m.
Tone & Strengthen Your Upper Body! Join us for a FREE 30-minute class led by Certified Trainer Joan Zakel!
Only 6 spots available – register NOW!

Nutrition Education Session March 22, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Harriott Myers will present a wellness education session centered around helping you understand the benefits of plant-based whole foods, functional nutrition, and the impact they have on your health.


Free 30-Minute Lower Body Toning Class April 5 at 10:30 a.m.
Legs, Glutes & More! Get ready to tone and strengthen your lower body with a FREE 30-minute class led by Certified Trainer Joan Zakel!
Only 6 spots available – register NOW!