You’re in better, more capable hands when you work with one of our personal trainers.
We’re glad you asked.
Our trainers are certified. So what? For starters, certification guarantees that your regimen will come from the minds of knowledgeable, trustworthy fitness veterans. It’s a badge of honor: these individuals put in the blood, sweat and tears to earn their rank. Now, they’re ready to pass the torch.
Your workouts will be safer, more efficient, and downright fun when you collaborate with one of our trainers. Worry less about what’ll be most effective for your body type, age or physical capability: your trainer is qualified to assess your goals, cater to your unique abilities, and guide your every move.
What can I do with my personal trainer?
The possibilities are limitless. Looking to work on a trouble area? Home in and focus on specific, effective moves. Trying to build endurance? Set a goal and discover the steps that’ll take you to the next level. Want to really break a sweat? Switch things up with a cardio boxing session.
Each trainer specializes in different styles of fitness, but remains grounded in the fundamental elements of a good, hard workout. Put in the work and results are guaranteed!
My trainer is ACE Certified. What does that mean?
ACE Certification: “Becoming an ACE Certified Personal Trainer means you’ve made movement your mission by committing to deliver science-based health and fitness instruction to people everywhere. With a certification accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and built on the foundation of the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model, you will be equipped to deliver individualized programming proven to move people to adopt sustainable, healthy behaviors and a more active way of life.”
(Source: The American Council on Exercise)
My trainer is ISSA Certified. What does that mean?
ISSA Certification: “The Certified Fitness Trainer program is designed to equip graduates with the practical day-to-day skills necessary, as well as the theoretical knowledge needed to excel as a personal trainer serving the general public. Along with the necessary exercise science foundation, the distance education program covers client assessment, program design, basic nutrition, and sports medicine along with business and marketing skills.”
(Source: International Sports Sciences Association)
I want to know more. How do I sign up for personal training?
Call us today at 410-489-9556 to get connected with one of our fantastic trainers.